Reconnect to God (RTG) is a Christian clothing brand that empowers and supports Christians to confidently share the Christian message of reconciliation: that individuals can reconnect with and to God through belief in Jesus Christ.
RTG also creates designs which aim to strengthen a Christian's connection with God.
The clothing brand was founded by Mavela Owusu Boahen.
Mavela is a Christian, author, wife and mother.
RTG was birthed during the lockdown season of COVID-19, when Mavela was led by the Holy Spirit to design a t-shirt that would alert non-believers, during their time of social distancing, to reconnect to God. Mavela felt that prior to COVID-19, God has been doubted and ignored and social distancing measures provided a perfect opportunity for individuals to reconnect with God.
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Mavela continues to add to her line of designs. Collections currently available: Social distancing, My Life Matters, Stay Alert, Reconnect to God and the most recent 'Life' (The new Easter collection).
Our products
We work with a rebutable partner company to bring you vegan-friendly, quality products.
Why shop with us?
- We care about the soul of man.
- We are a Christian company whose products encourage individuals to (re)connect to God.
- Through our products we enable you to fashionably and effortlessly evangelise to individuals who are disconnected from God.- We believe that when individuals are (re)connected to God they live a purposeful, fulfilling and victorious life, just as God intended, gaining benefits such as: peace, joy, love, forgiveness and perseverance.
- 10% of the profits made are donated to a local Christian charity.
- The remaining profit is reinvested back into the business to maintain it and to help it to grow.
- We have a wide range of colours, styles and sizes.- We offer worldwide shipping.
- We have excellent quality products with a lifetime print.
- Our printing process is 100% non toxic and produces no harmful waste
- We are completely vegan-friendly and our inks contain no animal by-products.
Find out more about Mavela here:
Follow us on Instagram: @reconnecttogod
Email: [email protected]